About Village Youth
The Village Youth is a lively group of youth from 6th grade to seniors in high school. The Village Youth leaders are dedicated to showing the love of Jesus to each student; from weekly gatherings to one-on-one mentoring, devotionals, and hanging out outside of church.
We believe we have many opportunities to show the youth at Village Church how much they are loved by Jesus.
This is what a typical week looks like:
- Wednesday Night Village Youth Group - On Wednesday evenings from 6:00-8:00(ish), Village Youth come and hang out at the church! We start the evening with a meal provided by someone in the church, play a game or two and end the night with worship and a Bible teaching.
- Throughout the week - It is not uncommon for small numbers of Village Youth to gather for a meal, play games together, or provide service to those in our Village Community such as volunteering at the Food Pantry.
- Sunday Mornings - Our students participate and learn along with the rest of us on Sunday mornings. They are often our most dedicated team members, serving on the tech team running a camera, or volunteering in children's ministry. They gain valuable skills and are growing into future leaders of the church and community.
Village Youth Volunteers are trained and are required to fill out a state and national background check.
Jump into Village Youth today!

If you have further questions about Village Youth Ministries, or want to try out youth group, simply fill out the form below and Toby, our Youth Minister will get in touch with you!