Location and Times
Church Building
7234 NE Arnold Ave, Adair Village, OR 97330
We are located just off OR-99W N/Pacific Hwy W, 8.5 miles north of Corvallis and 13 miles south of Monmouth. Click here for directions!
We meet regularly on Sundays for worship, hearing God's Word, and taking communion together. Our church is an active congregation that also meets in one another's homes, learns, and serves the community throughout the week.
Fall-Spring Sunday Services (September-June):
- Bible Study & Worship: 9AM
- Worship Service: 10:30AM (livestream link below)
- Infant-toddler nursery & K -5th grade classes: 10:30AM
Stay for potluck the first Sunday of each month! 12:00pm
Summer Service Times (July and August):
- Worship Service: 10:30AM
- Livestream available: 10:30AM (livestream link below)
- Infant-toddler nursery & K -5th grade classes: 10:30AM
Worship will be held outside on the lawn. Bring a camping chair or blanket, or use one of ours!
What to expect on your first visit?

When people visit Village, they often express how they felt loved. Our church has a relaxed and joyful environment and a balance of all ages.

You can expect a warm welcome when you walk through the doors. We invite you to order a complimentary espresso drink in our cafe, catch up with friends, then settle in for a wonderful morning of worship!

9AM Bible Study- We worship Jesus and study the biblical text together. This is a more relaxed, collaborative setting.

At the 10:30AM Worship Service Pastor Mike or someone from our preaching team will share a Christ-centered message equipping us to accurately handle the Bible, cultivate intimacy with God, and to live in community with one another.
What about my kids?
Children are important-- to you and to our church. We take good care of them and support parents in the spiritual development of their families.
Kids in K- 5th grade are invited to Village Kids' class to learn how to read the Bible and pray, and have some fun along the way. (Children are welcome to stay with their parent or guardian during the service if preferred.)
The nursery is always available for infants, toddlers, and their parents. Teachers welcome your children during the 10:30 service. We read a Bible story, pray, and sing songs. Livestream is available in the nursery so parents and volunteers don't miss out on the message.
We value your children’s safety. Please check-in your children in the foyer before the service starts.
Have fun playing on our new playground in the courtyard before and after services with other young families!
We look forward to meeting you!
Schedule your visit!
We would love to meet you when you visit!